Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last night

I wanted to go to sleep, I laid down and everything, but my brain just started going crazy, and I became very uncomfortable; twisting and turning in my bed.

So I read some Harry Potter....and that didn't help my anxiousness. Basically I ended up wandering around my room, my mind in a frenzy of random thoughts. Ever feel like that?

My mind started to drift towards school and how I still have a lot of work to do to prepare for my portfolio. I want to go to New York... That's scary.

My fingers started itching to paint, draw, do something! So what did I do at 1 o-clock in the morning? I tore out a sheet of biggie sketch paper, pinned it to my sketch board and slapped some paint on it.
I'm going to call this a study, since I had no goal or idea to influence my stroke decisions; but I don't entirely hate what happened, so I'm going to continue to work on it and see what it becomes.

I also did another study. An explosion of thin pigment liner and a not so subtle sharpie all over a page of rejected watercolor paper.
Nothing special really came with it except maybe the notion to be more relaxed while using a pen.

Well, bye for now.

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